ORYX Software that people to process, analyse and understand complex and large amounts of data, quickly and cost effectively.
ACCL design and install intelligent IT building infrastructure services, enabling the workplace to function to its full potential.
Creative Designer Course Leader and Lecturer of Computing/IT/Creative Media and Graphic Design.
Advanced Integration is an innovative company offering Premium Automation solutions for the Residential, Marine, Hotels & Commercial sector
Archdesk- Modern all-in-one software for the building, construction, production and service industry.
Atticmedia creates crafted digital experiences to deliver change and engage diverse audiences with exceptional ROI.
Atula Technologies. Streamline, Automate and scale your business through bespoke software solutions.
BKIT is a diversified tech group with primary business in constructing solar farms & datacom infrastructure in the Caribbean.
Cabinet Gullotta - Financial and Legal Advisers to the Media and Technology Sectors
Computer Forensics Lab investigates and analyses computer user behaviour and gathers digital evidence for civil or criminal action.
Customer Devoted is a marketing practice specialising in optimising marketing return on investment, customer retention and brand strategy