Bank of England – impact of Covid on UK Economy
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About Gravita ABG LLP
At Gravita,we provide accountancy, audit, tax, outsourcing and advisory services to fast-growth SMEs, listed companies and businesses.
ABG invite you to join them at their impact of Covid on the UK Economy session. Their guest speaker for the morning will be Rob Elder from the Bank of England.
At this session Rob will be presenting the Bank of England’s view on the impact of Covid-19 on the UK economy. He will outline the Bank of England’s latest economic forecasts and policy stance.
Pre-registration for this event is required, you will need to register via Zoom using this link HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/WEBINAR/REGISTER/WN_Z2OPAEHPQR-FKXEF7C0C-A
Once you have registered you will receive your own unique access link and code to join this session.