Urbano Christmas networking evening

Venue TBC Gen
London, W1 1AA

Venue TBC Gen

Urbano Network hosts a variety of events attracting representatives from a range of companies across all sectors and sizes.  All our evening events put an equal emphasis on the networking opportunities revealed through conversations and the social benefit of meeting new people in different spaces.

For our Urbano Christmas networking evening, we will bring together those who work for member companies to enjoy a few hours of tasty food, free drinks and fun, all while creating those new connections that lead to future business relationships and personal friendships.

Our host partner will be announced nearer the date. Maximum four people per company.

* New Joiners Offer: For new Company or Micro-Company Members joining Urbano, you can enjoy TWO FREE PLACES for your representatives at this event.



Due to the nature of our events, bookings once made can be transferred to another representative of the booking company but cannot be cancelled and refunded.

Memberships pay for us to exist and to organise events. All Urbano events - unless stated as member only - are open to non-member companies which can book a maximum of  TWO Urbano events for their team members. Published non-member price is for first-time visitors to Urbano.

* New Joiners Offer: For new Company or Micro-Company Members joining Urbano, you can enjoy TWO FREE PLACES for your representatives at this event. Email Mark for more information.

Urbano Membership is the equivalent of £7.60 per week for Company Members - which includes tenders and unlimited representatives who can book events (unless stated) and £6.70 for Micro Company Members. See details on benefits, fees etc: Membership

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