Urbano Build Top Table networking lunch

Bleeding Heart
7 Bleeding Heart Yard
Greville Street
London, EC1N 8SJ

Bleeding Heart

Urbano Top Table networking events are a chance for those at the most senior level of our member companies and micro businesses to meet, connect and explore future business opportunities with others at similar levels in their own businesses - all accompanied by two or three course meal at a fine restaurant and at least one glass of something chilled.

Our Urbano Build Top Table on Wednesday November 6th will bring together senior directors and equivalents from our Build community member companies, including architects, contractors, construction specialists, designers, engineers, interior designers, surveyors, sustainability and environmental services suppliers, technical and technology suppliers, and those who offer services to the sector, including brand and marketing agencies, logistics and IT services.

We are hosting this event in the private dining space at the Bleeding Heart restaurant in Farringdon where we will enjoy a three-course meal and complimentary glass of wine.

Menu options will appear closer to the event. Maximum two people per company.

Comments from recent Top Table attendees: "Urbano Top Table networking events are a fantastic opportunity to meet senior members of other businesses and connect... Thoroughly enjoyed yesterday, thanks for hosting an excellent lunch!.. Great food and great company... Thanks for bringing us all together, Mark. Great to discuss business and enjoy a delicious lunch together... Thoroughly enjoyed the chance to get away from the office for a bit and try to ignore the phone for an afternoon... I really enjoyed yesterday's event – both the food and the group of people there... Many thanks for the afternoon and brilliantly organised!... Great food and great company...  A great lunch today and just sorry I had not organised my diary to enable me to stay out and network more at the after-party!"

** BOOKING: When submitting your card payment, you will receive an error message 500 (there is a communications error between our site and Payment Sense). Email Mark and he will confirm your payment and send a receipt. **

This event is only for Urbano Company Member founders, owners, senior directors and partners. If you want to join Urbano in time for this event, please email Mark.

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