Make more sales the Anti-selling way! Sales Training Workshop

180 Piccadilly
180 Piccadilly
203 Piccadilly
London, W1J 9HF

180 Piccadilly

About Amber Associates Recruitment Solutions

Amber Associates Recruitment Solutions Ltd - with 45+ years recruitment experience at all levels. We work for a perfect match every time.

Calling all women business owners and those who have an element of 'selling' in your role.

Do you:

– have some fears around selling and the dreaded “S” word?

– just feel stuck and can’t see how to get your business to the next level?

– spend hours on social media and marketing activities but not closing enough new business ?

– wonder ‘when, and how often, is right’ to follow up with someone?

– avoid asking for the business for fear of rejection?


You are not alone.So many hugely talented solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and small business owners have fears and problems when it comes to selling. And not just women I must add here!


Somewhere in our business journey the negative beliefs around selling holds fast and can be difficult to overcome. But I am here to help.  Just like many women who have already attended this workshop, I will help you overcome your fears and frustrations so you can earn more money. Sound good?


Over the last 25 years I have built successful multiple 6 and 7-figure businesses.


To achieve these results I used and applied my easy-to-use yet super-effective 7 step anti-sales process.


I’d love you to join me on Wednesday, 18th March at my popular Sales Training Workshop for Women in Business, when I will be explaining exactly HOW you can do it too.


One delegate who attended this very same Sales Training Workshop in February 2014, called me just before Xmas and told me she has since won OVER £100,000 of NEW business, following my strategy.  Result! Do you want to do that too?


I have devised a brilliant client winning system; it takes the pain out of selling, making it easy to do month after month, to get the results that you want to see in your business.


Without an effective sales or business development strategy in place many small business owners are missing opportunities. They’re not making the most of their networking, not seeing a return on their time and efforts, and they’re not following up on leads (even when it’s handed to them on a plate!)

Sound familiar?

Come along to my Sales Training Workshop for Women in Business on Wednesday, 18th March and I absolutely guarantee you will never feel nervous, uncertain, or fearful of the “S” word again.


You will know which steps to take to grow your business, take it to the next level and feel happier with your client retention and sales know-how.

Walk away with clarity, feeling confident, and a whole new range of skills to propel your business forward.


One of the attendees converted 5 new clients in 28 days following the same workshop in 2014. If you did the same, how much would that be worth to your business?


Join me for an action-packed day where I will share and teach you my easy to use 7 Step Strategy to help you build your six-figure business too. And more!

 “ I gained £10,000 of new business in 10 days.   Since the workshop things have changed, I’ve changed. I feel confident and can walk in to a room and know I am good at what I do and ask for the business. I’ve up’d my thinking and I’ve got the results.” Nicola, F. Creative Designer. Attendee in 2014. 

Every piece of amber is unique – so are you, and so is your business.

Let’s make it sparkle!

Your Investment would usually be £399 but if you book by 16th March you can SAVE £100.

I can’t wait to see you there and help boost your business sales.  Get ready to work with more clients!

It’s going to be a great day together, full of gems and a successful strategy to help you gain clarity, confidence and work with more clients.

To your success and happiness,

Jo James 

Any questions, please call me on 07968 016 585

I look forward to working with you to help you grow your business to six-figures and beyond. 


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