The Secrets to Being an Influential Leader

ARIVU Training Suites
Birchin Court
20 Birchin Lane
London, EC3V 9DU

ARIVU Training Suites

About ARIVU Ltd

Arivu provides corporate leadership, management, NLP & soft skills training, and business coaching that is both powerful & cost effective.

Hi All,

I have 4 places left on this highly informative, practical and interactive workshop that's happening next week very near to the Bank of England. If you want to lead your team better and grow your business and achieve higher success, then I am offering the first four people that reply to me by email to attend for FREE! Yes, that's right FREE! This course is valued at nearly £1,000 to attend but invaluable to you and to your business. Click on the URL to hear what others said about it.

Course duration: 2 days               Course Dates: 19-20 November 2015

Venue: Birchin Court, Birchin Lane, EC3V 9DU            Time: 9.30am-4.30pm


Overview of the workshop

Many business leaders and people managers need to manage and lead themselves equally as good as they need to manage and lead others.

Leadership is not just about personality but it’s also about behaviours – an observable set of skills and abilities. The effective leader is based on relating those skills to specific tasks. Therefore, the most successful leaders are those that adapt their leadership style to the individual or group that they are attempting to lead/influence and understand their required tasks specifically.

This highly interactive two-day programme gives you a framework to analyse your performance and determine appropriate leadership behaviours that will help you to influence your clients and customers as well as your own people and so to help you grow your business.

Is it right for me?

This course is for anyone who has a leadership or senior management role where success depends on the power to influence and lead others to fulfil key objectives.


What will I learn?

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Define and implement ‘task’ and ‘relationship’ behaviours of yourself and your people
  • Define and recognise a range of leadership styles and match leadership style to needs in a variety of situations in order to influence others and be more influential
  • Become an effective leader, get powerful results from your team and improve job satisfaction
  • Classify your tasks and recognise priorities and preferences
  • Inspire a shared vision, creating an ideal and unique image of what the organisation can become
  • Challenge your thinking process and create powerful strategies that will help you to move your organisation to greater success
  • Motivate yourself and others to act and encourage hearts and minds that will help you in your journey
  • Gauge your own 360 degree leadership style profile

Personal Development

  • · Formulating an action plan


Price per delegate:

Normally £997 + VAT per person for both days, which includes all treats and refreshments throughout the day and a hearty lunch! However, the first 4 people that reply by email will get it for FREE!


Please note: You may be entitled to a Growth Accelerator or a Leadership & Management Grant offered by the Business Growth Service on any other of our courses and executive coaching or consultancy services. You can apply to get up to 50% off, capped to £2,000 per senior manager. 

Please ask us for more details about this if you are interested in attending any of our other bespoke courses or having a tailor-made coaching programme designed for your specific needs.


What other delegates on the course have said about us:

‘The course is really engaging and the trainer is highly knowledgeable in focussing on the customer and improving empathy with others’ – Tania Tiipana (PAREXEL)


‘The workshop was dynamic and inclusive and highly enjoyable for all my staff’ – Michelle Hill (Rolls Royce)


‘Lifelong learning at its best’ - Eileen Roddy (CIMA)


‘I’ve got more from one afternoon than I did from a 10-day leadership course from a world-class MBA School – Simon Fletcher (

Call us now on 087 123 76 767 or email us at to book your place as only 4 more places are available for our November 19-20 dates!

View event site
