FREE - Exclusive Cross-Cultural Communication Seminar for Executive Assistants and PAs

Aspira Training Room
72 Wells Street
London, W1T3QF

Aspira Training Room

About Aspira Consulting

Aspira Consulting - recruitment and training consultancy for PAs and Operational support staff for Start-ups and SMEs.

Aspira Training is proud to have teamed up with InterLanguageLondon to deliver a fantastic new seminar and one not to be missed for Executive Assistants and PAs who support or work with Clients from around the world!

Kim, Aspira Training's founder, recognises the importance of bringing exclusive training to Executive Assistants and PAs which is not currently available on the market.  Kim approached InterLanguageLondon, who train senior level executives, to tailor their training for the Executive Assistants and PAs who support them.  From the findings of our extensive research and talking to PA professionals, there is a massive requirement for this type of training.  Not just in culture training, but in cross-culture training, when working with clients in various countries.

This seminar will guarantee that if you work for a high profile or business leader, where you feel this training is as imperative as we do, you will come away with a clearer understanding about the importance of company culture and how that understanding this can greatly impact your working relationships.

Do you need to communicate effectively in an international business context?

Have you experienced misunderstandings at work because of cultural differences?

This workshop will look at concepts derived from extensive research and it will give you the tools to become a better international communicator.

Rather than focusing on superficial aspects of culture like customs, etiquette, do’s and don’ts, we will examine deeper principles, mechanisms and logic, which will improve your understanding of different cultures.  We will also discuss how cultures are defined, classified and compared
We will specifically look at:

  • How different cultures perceive, experience and use time
  • High context versus low context communication styles
  • How cultures value status: achieved or ascribed
  • Culture as communication: what do say when we say nothing

At the end of the workshop you will have a better understanding of how cultural awareness can facilitate working relationships and will help you manage any potential cultural dilemmas.

Look forward to seeing you! Our seminars are always very social and a great evening to meet other PAs!

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