Business Breakfast with Sir Merrick Cockell

Bircham Dyson Bell
50 Broadway
London, SW1H 0BL

Bircham Dyson Bell

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In these testing times for councils across the country, Local Government Association (LGA) Chairman Sir Merrick Cockell will introduce the LGA’s work and outline the major challenges facing local government today.

Sir Merrick Cockell was elected as the Chairman of the Local Government Association (LGA), the lobbying organisation which acts as the voice of the local government sector at national level in June 2011. From April 2000 to May 2013, Sir Merrick served as Leader of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, having been an elected councillor since 1986. The Council has been a top performer under various inspection regimes and receives excellent feedback in national resident satisfaction surveys. Its performance as an education authority has been praised by Ofsted as “outstanding”. He ran an international trading company for 23 years and now devotes his time to public service. He was knighted in 2010 for services to local government.


8:00am - Registration and networking breakfast begins
8:30am - Discussion begins
9:30am - Further refreshments and networking
9:45am - Event ends

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