Employment Breakfast Briefing: Employers – What and who are you really responsible for in the workplace?

Bircham Dyson Bell
50 Broadway
London, SW1H 0BL

Bircham Dyson Bell

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Bircham Dyson Bell (BDB) is a multi-disciplinary UK law firm advising private companies, public sector bodies, not-for-profit organisations and individuals since 1834. We hold regular events including a Charities Funding Breakfast on June 30th (more details on this and other events here: BDB Events

Employment Breakfast Briefing: Employers – What and who are you really responsible for in the workplace?

Employers have a wide range of responsibilities towards their staff. Those responsibilities vary depending on the type of worker involved. For the most part employers are also responsible for the actions of their staff, but sometimes staff can become personally liable for their own actions. Recent high profile cases involving an assault by a Morrison’s employee on a member of the public and personal injury caused to a prison employee injured whilst working in the kitchen highlight this point.

Join us for our Employment Breakfast Briefing where we will discuss employer responsibilities including:

When is an employer vicariously liable for the actions of their staff?
When are employees likely to be acting “on a frolic of their own”?
What are the important implied duties employers and employees owe to each other?
How can employers protect themselves against liability for acts of discrimination by staff towards their colleagues?
When is an employer responsible for mistreatment of a whistleblower by their fellow employees?
What duties do employers owe staff and others to ensure health and safety at work?
When is an employer responsible for an employee’s illness?
How can an employee avoid trouble caused by an employee’s social media use at work and at home? How are duties to employees and contractors different?

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