Free Webinar: Leading & Managing through unprecedented times (inc. remote working)

Urbano Networking Event
Pan-Sector Online
London, 0NL 1NE

Urbano Networking Event

About Culture Consultancy

Culture Consultancy is a niche consultancy specialising in organisational culture change, employee engagement and leadership development.

Wondering how you can equip your leaders with the skills to manage remotely?

Feeling fighting fit?

We have been busy supporting our clients with adapting to remote / alternative working arrangements (e.g. virtual working, tag/shift teams, extended operational hours) both in terms of productivity and performance as well as the human side of these changes to ways of working - keeping everyone’s mental and physical health on track…which will only become harder to manage as the kids come home from school next week!

If you think you need help to get fighting fit as we head into the abyss then we are here to help you and your people with leadership guides, culture advise and some free webinars.

Wondering how you can equip your leaders with the skills to manage remotely?

We’ve been facilitating sessions to support clients’ on key leadership and management skills, maintaining employee engagement, as well as best practice employee communications during these unprecedented times. We are also providing online masterclasses to groups of managers for how to lead and engage people in this situation alongside mindfulness and coaching sessions - these are impactful, cost effective ways of gearing up your people to effectively work in alternative operating models/practices. They also equip managers with key capabilities which will make a different to employee experience, wellbeing and engagement, as well as productivity and business performance.

What about your company culture in the coming weeks?

We’re helping clients keep their culture alive and use their company values and leadership practices to guide the way they adapt to the current environment. Every business is being forced to challenge their existing work practices. Using your values to guide finding the right solutions, the right decisions to make and actions to be taken is how you can leverage your culture to successfully navigate through this challenging period. 

We are here to help right now!

Whatever your situation and wherever you are on your remote working journey, if you need some help or advice, do give us a call on +44 208 088 2228 or email us at We are happy to pull together a program to help or even just offer some no obligation advice at this time.

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