Breakfast and Employment Law Seminar

Corney and Barrow
10 Paternoster Square
London, EC4M 7DX

Corney and Barrow

About Davenport Solicitors

Davenport Solicitors is a fresh thinking law firm based in the City of London, specialising in Employment law and Business Immigration.

Davenport Solicitors Employment Law update:

This session will look at the most recent and forthcoming changes in employment law. In particular:·         

Calculating working time and holidays·         

The new ‘National Living Wage’·         

The rules on gender-pay reporting.·         

The Ramphal – the case which limits what HR professionals can do in a disciplinary meeting!

There will also be an interactive Q and A with Lachlan Wilson of 3 Paper Buildings. Feel free to ask him any employment law related questions. Join us for some knowledge building and a spot of networking over breakfast.

 About the speaker

Lachlan is now best known for his expertise and experience in the fields of education and employment. These complementary fields demand scrutiny and presentation of, often complex, issues of fact, within a legislative framework which comprises UK statute, European and Human Rights law. He is also a trained mediator, and his skills in, and support for, this alternative approach to dispute resolution, has often proved beneficial in his employment and neighbour-dispute cases.

He represents individuals, employers, local authorities, schools, and charities. Particular experience in cases of discrimination (race, religion, sex (including equal pay), and disability), school admissions, school exclusions, special educational needs, educational negligence, and whistle-blowing.

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