Immigration Webinar - PBS License Renewal

33 Queen Street
Queen Street
London, EC4R 1AP


About DavidsonMorris Solicitors

DavidsonMorris Solicitors are leading specialists in the field of commercial immigration law with over 20 years’ experience.

FREE Immigration Webinar Training

PBS Sponsor License Renewal

We are great believers in delivering knowledge in an efficient and cost-effective way, while keeping you away from the rain and cold! So, from the comfort and warmth of your office and free of charge, we invite you to register and join us on the below:

A number of things need to be in place before an organisation can go ahead with a PBS License renewal. These steps require time and input from a variety of stakeholders within the business, and given the four year life span of a License might even require finding information that is no longer easily or quickly accessible. As such, this session is relevant to all Level 1 Users, Authorising Officers, and company accountants who are required to submit a volume of documentation.

Jemima Johnstone, who heads the DavidsonMorris License and Compliance team and has assisted our global clients with obtaining and renewing Sponsorship Licenses since the scheme’s inception will lead this session to help you:

  • understand the procedure
  • gain knowledge of documents that need to be collated in respect of renewing your Tier 2 PBS License
  • learn how to check your previous License documentation to ensure that the renewal application covers all your business operations

Registering is easy and only takes a couple of minutes on our Training page:

With 20 years experience in immigration law, DavidsonMorris host free online interactive training webinars throughout the year. These sessions are designed to assist HR specialists responsible for immigration and compliance.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to give us a call on 020 7494 0118. We look forward to you joining us!

Kind regards,

Anisa Goshi

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