Communication Skills for Engineers, Scientists & Technicians

Royal Institution of Naval Architects
8-9 Northumberland Street
London, WC2N 5DA

Royal Institution of Naval Architects

About Emmett & Churchman Ltd

A small team of communications experts who use the media to help engineers and technologists be found before their competitors

This one-day course for engineers introduces the fundamentals of how to effectively communicate in business with a specific focus on customer and colleague engagement through enhanced presentation and networking skills.

The course provides an introduction to the communication cycle, how to structure and prioritise communication using effective objective setting and mind mapping.  Voice and body language as well as handling interaction and challenge is addressed and the day concludes with essential networking skills.  Throughout the day you will be provided with opportunities to utilise your newly acquired knowledge,  practice new skills and receive constructive feedback.  Delegates are encouraged to be proactive and contribute towards the process as they grow in confidence.This interactive open course combines theory and practical exercises.

The course is relevant to engineers, at all levels of responsibility and experience,  who want to improve the effect and impact of their business presentations and networking with colleagues and customers. 

Engineers who have attended the course said:

“I found the course really useful especially the communication cycle, objective setting and mind mapping.  It made me think of communication and the way we communicate in a  completely different way ­ it’s so much more than just presentations.”

“This was an extremely successful and effective pilot course which I would thoroughly recommend.  I intend to introduce a formal feedback mechanism with colleagues so that I can self-monitor the effectiveness of my communication.  I will also focus more on having effective aims and using the communication cycle in my day to day interactions." 

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