Enterprise Ireland HR Programme - Panellists request

Enterprise Ireland London HQ
2nd Floor, Shaftesbury House
151 Shaftesbury Avenue
London, WC2H 8AL

Enterprise Ireland London HQ

About Enterprise Ireland

Enterprise Ireland is the government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets.

We have developed a six week programme for a small number of Irish companies who offer tech solutions in the HR space and are actively targeting the UK. Typically there are early stage tech companies looking for guidance.

The programme is designed to help them become more market ready by giving them ‘homework’ tasks around:


·     defining their value proposition

·     identifying and evaluating the competition

·     choosing target segments

·     finding best route to market


Throughout the six weeks, they have feedback from a Panel made up from a selection of people actively working in the UK HR sector, across a number of industries.

From the panellists’ perspective, they would be expected to have up to three 90 minute phone calls with clients within those 6 weeks, i.e. 3 calls in total with a different client each time. These calls are a way of clients getting feedback from UKexperts which could validate their thinking, or challenge it and suggest alternatives. Panellists would also be asked to review client’s ‘homework’ which will be shared via Dropbox prior to each phonecall.

Panellists would also be invited to attend a ‘kick off’ meeting at EI London office kick off’ meeting  sometime w/c 13 Oct and a final presentation day in Dublin on Friday 21st November.

From past programmes, panellists have benefited from learning about what the latest innovations are coming from Ireland as well as building their peer network as they get to know the other panellists.

There are no fees for this, but we do pay expenses and costs.

If this sounds like something that you would be interested in, please contact me through my Urbano profile and I would be happy to chat with you to explain things in more detail.


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