Grooming your Business for Sale - FREE Breakfast Seminar

Arram Berlyn Gardner (ABG)
Arram Berlyn Gardner
30 City Road
London, EC1Y 2AB

Arram Berlyn Gardner (ABG)

About fds Corporate Finance

fds Corporate Finance are a boutique Corporate Finance house operating out of Wakefield, London and Birmingham

Grooming Your Business For Sale

Grooming your business simply means getting it into the best possible shape for what could be the most important business transaction of your life.

Why you should invest time to get your business prepared?

The benefits of pre-sale preparation are vast, we will cover the highlights and the low lights of being unprepared.

What are the key steps to success?

We will cover the important stages in your preparation and provide some quick wins to enhance value and speed up the process.

How to keep in shape and maintaining your ready for sale business

Being prepared is one thing but staying that way is a different thing altogether.

How to make sure the deal is perfect for you

It’s your business, your livelihood and your retirement (maybe) so it needs to suit one person, you!

Event Agenda

8.30am  Registration and Breakfast

9.00am  Introduction and Welcome

9.05am  Selling your Business for Maximum Value, Jo Haigh - fds Corporate Finance

9.35am  Tax Tips on Business Sales

10.00am Questions & Answers, Coffee & Networking

If you need guidance on how to prepare for the biggest sale of your business life, please book your place on our FREE breakfast seminar and we will help.

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