Personal Development Weekend

The Gestalt Centre London
96-100 Clifton Street
London, EC2A 4TP

The Gestalt Centre London

About Gestalt Centre London

Offers accredited training in psychotherapy & counselling. Personal & professional development workshops. Meeting & training rooms to hire

9 AND 10 FEBRUARY 2013


Gestalt theory is concerned with the whole person, encouraging a balance between body, feeling, intellect and imagination. 

The gestalt approach in psychotherapy understands people as being inextricably linked with their environments, both affected by and affecting the context in which a person lives. 

Here and Now, experiments, creativity, imagination, fragmentation and integration are concepts linked with the theory and practice of gestalt.


A gestalt group offers its members the opportunity to explore personal issues with the support and participation of people also interested in understanding themselves and the vicissitudes of their lives.

By participating in gestalt group work you may find opportunites to:-

* foster your capacity to be imaginative

* develop greater awareness of how you relate to yourself and others

* discover the patterns you have developed for dealing with your life and decide whether these strategies have outlived their usefulness

* work with what are sometimes experienced as 'difficult' emotions, anger, fear, vulnerability etc.

* learn ways of giving and receiving clear comments about yourself and others through understanding of your own process

You may request a bibliography at the end of the course should you wish to continue your exploration! 


Ruth Hargreaves and Raksha Sidhu

The two facilitators are senior trainee psychotherapists completing their Psychotherapy Practitioner Diploma resulting in UKCP registration. 

The group is part of the trainees assessed work and is supervised by a senior member of Faculty. 

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