Introducing Gestalt: Theory and Practice - 1-day workshop

The Gestalt Centre London
96-100 Clifton Street
London, EC2A 4TP

The Gestalt Centre London

About Gestalt Centre London

Offers accredited training in psychotherapy & counselling. Personal & professional development workshops. Meeting & training rooms to hire

Date: 2nd November 2013

Time: 10.00am to 5.00pm

Fee: £98 self-funded / £108 sponsored

Increase your awareness of yourself

Improve your skills of relating to others

This is a one day course for anyone wishing to find out about the Gestalt approach – whether contemplating training in Gestalt counselling or psychotherapy, or wanting to consider how gestalt concepts might be helpful in their current work with people.

The day introduces an overview of Gestalt and its fundamental principles, and provides an opportunity to explore the theory and practice of some basic concepts.

Course Tutor, Julia Wright MA, is a UKCP registered individual and group gestalt psychotherapist working in both the voluntary sector and private practice. She has an arts background, with a BA in Fine Arts and experience in the performing arts. Julia has managed an NHS funded counselling service for people with a wide range of issues as well as working as a trainer for various counselling courses.

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