What are your options post exit?

Arram Berlyn Gardner (ABG)
Arram Berlyn Gardner
30 City Road
London, EC1Y 2AB

Arram Berlyn Gardner (ABG)

About Gravita ABG LLP

At Gravita,we provide accountancy, audit, tax, outsourcing and advisory services to fast-growth SMEs, listed companies and businesses.

9 February, 2017 - 08:30 - 10:30

Are you wearing your wellies and enjoying the fruits of your labour or are you itching to start all over again?  Entrepreneurs will always be entrepreneurs and many find that the minute they sell one business they are ready to start another.  Join us for our fifth and final session when we will be looking at your post exit options and your alternatives for how you invest in your future.   

8.30am Registration & Continental Breakfast 9.00am Welcome to Arram Berlyn Gardner and Post Business Exit options, doing it again! 9.45am Questions & Answers 10am Refreshments and networking 

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