Business Bootcamp - Early Days business - Session 1

Arram Berlyn Gardner (ABG)
Arram Berlyn Gardner
30 City Road
London, EC1Y 2AB

Arram Berlyn Gardner (ABG)

About Gravita ABG LLP

At Gravita,we provide accountancy, audit, tax, outsourcing and advisory services to fast-growth SMEs, listed companies and businesses.

Keeping accurate accounting records allows your business to not only prepare financial statements quickly and accurately but  during these early days when businesses often spend more money than they generate accurate records help you to keep track of your cash flow and control of your budgets.  In this, our first bootcamp session, our team will be looking at not only record keeping, accounting software and budgets but many other aspects of running a business such as structuring, appointing of shareholders/directors as well as eligibility for EIS and Seed EIS.  

8.30am Registration & Continental Breakfast

9.00am Welcome to Arram Berlyn Gardner - Early Days Business and avoiding the pitfalls

9.45am - Questions & Answers

10am - Refreshments and networking 

All sessions will be held at 30 City Road, London, EC1Y 2AB

This event is aimed at entrepreneurs and business owners and is free to attend for qualifying individuals.

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