Incentivising Employees- Lunchtime Seminar

Joelson WIlson LLP
30 Portland Place London W1B 1LZ
London, W1B 1LZ

Joelson WIlson LLP

About Joelson Wilson LLP

Joelson Wilson is a specialist business orientated law firm which has been based in the heart of London’s West End for more than 50 years.

Irrespective of the size of your business, creative remuneration and benefits structures help to get the best from your staff and management teams.

Joelson Wilson LLP is holding a lunchtime seminar aimed at the hospitality and leisure sectors.

A panel of speakers including Alex Keddie from Davidson Asset Management and Heather Gibson, editor of EP Magazine plus our own lawyers will provide practical insights and share industry experience.

Topics include: Pensions and Benefits; Shares and Share Options and Bonuses.

Format: 12.30pm

Informal lunch and networking; 1.00 pm

Speakers and Q&A; 2.00pm,

Coffee and networking. 2.30pm


There is no charge for this event.

To confirm your place, please email Lynn Scott:

*Urbano members: Forgive the duplicate mailing - this was sent as an Information Notice in error earlier! *

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