Lady Val's Professional Women's Network - April Lunch

Browns Courtrooms
82-84 St Martin's Lane
Covent Garden
London, WC2N 4AG

Browns Courtrooms

About Lady Val's Professional Women's Network

For women who know who and know how. Our motto: "There's a special place in hell for any woman who doesn't help another woman"

Lady Val’s Professional Women’s Network would like to invite you along to join us for our lunch on the Thursday 23rdApril.

For just £48 you not only donate to a fantastic charity, you can enjoy a delicious two course lunch with complimentary tea or coffee, a  top quality speaker, a workshop after the lunch. All within the company of great like-minded business women to share contacts, experience and knowledge.

Guest Speaker:
Roz Morris :
  Broadcast skills helps your business communication 
Roz Morris is Founder and CEO of TV News London, a leading media and presentation company she founded 20 years ago. It trains executives in bluechip companies, charities and public sector organisations to maximise the effectiveness of their external and internal communications.  Roz was an official trainer for the Independent Television Association, was a news reporter and presenter for BBC TV, ITN, and BBC Radio News etc and worked as staff reporter for The Observer and The Guardian. Currently she writes for the Huffington Post on media and women’s business issues.

Free workshop! Dress to impress (follows lunch)
Joanna Gaudoin and Kerry O'Brine, fashion experts trained in image consultancy and dress designing give you workable tips on making a confident impact to achieve greater professional success.

Lady Val’s network exists to attract future business for you but it also helps a worthwhile charity. Click on for more information.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Lady Val

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