Business Model Tools for Creative and Digital SMEs

The Work Foundation
21 Palmer Street
London, SW1H 0AD

The Work Foundation

About London Fusion

London Fusion is a business development programme to help London's creative and digital companies collaborate, innovate and grow.

Please note this is a 2 day event taking place on the 6th and 13th August, both days the workshop starts at 09:30 and finishes at 16:30.

Join Lancaster University and London Fusion for a FREE Business Model Tools and Value Proposition Workshop.  This 2 day event is for creative and digital SMEs based in London and includes a light breakfast, lunch and optional networking drinks on both days.

This Business Model Tools workshop is for ambitious, high growth potential SMEs who wish to learn how to easily create and test Business models, find their best fit customer or audience and create compelling Value Propositions. Your Business Model provides a solid foundation for all future business planning such as; creating business plan documents and financial information, pitching for investment and creating roadmaps and critical task lists. 

This workshop will teach you how to:

  • Use the Business Model Canvas to create, analyse and deploy Business Models,
  • Use the Value Proposition Canvas to analyse customer segments,
  • Create compelling Value Propositions to suit your chosen target markets, products and services,
  • Analyse the best Customer segments for targeting your products and services.

Learn, apply and master a systematic approach to Business Model innovation using the Business Model Canvas (, which is practiced by lead innovators around the world.

By booking you will be required to attend both days. Only eligible companies are guaranteed attendance.

For eligibility information please visit

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