London Fusion Christmas and End of Year Networking Feast

far rockaway
97-113 Curtain Rd
London, EC2A 3BS

far rockaway

About London Fusion

London Fusion is a business development programme to help London's creative and digital companies collaborate, innovate and grow.

All good things must come to an join us to celebrate the end of a great 2014 and London Fusion.

This will be an evening of networking, fun, and inspiration over fancy drinks and Christmassy snacks.

We have seen some great partnerships begin at our Quarterly networking meetups, the next successful partnership could be yours!

Connect with companies you know and meet new high growth digital and creative SMEs.

Our SMEs growth experts will be there on the night to help you turn your great ideas into 2015 businesssuccess!

So come to the Far rockaway in Shoreditch, on Monday 8th December, from 5pm.

We look forward to seeing you there!

To RSVP your attendance or for more information contact:
