Auto-enrolment: Have you started planning?

Kingston Smith W1
141 Wardour Street
London, W1F 0UT

Kingston Smith W1

About Moore Kingston Smith

Moore Kingston Smith is one of the UK's top 20 audit and accountancy firms.

For many SMEs, 2014 will see the introduction of auto-enrolment obligations for their organisation.

Whilst the press has widely covered the benefits for employees, there is less awareness among business owners about what they need to do in order to be compliant and how long they need to allocate to deal with these new obligations. Organisations are also often not fully familiar with what the ramifications are of failing to comply or leaving it too late to prepare for entry into auto-enrolment.

To make sure you’re fully prepared for the changes ahead, Kingston Smith W1, accountants specialising in the marketing services and media & entertainment sectors, will be holding a breakfast seminar covering the crucial points of auto-enrolment, including:

• Staging dates
• What employers will have to do
• Costs and options
• Challenges

This seminar is aimed at organisations with 5 to 250 employees.

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