Angel Investment Event

The Eight Club
1, Change Alley
London, EC3V 3ND

The Eight Club

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“Great event and looking forward to the next one”….

“I enjoyed the event I but didn’t have time to chat to everyone”….

These are some of the comments received from our recent Angel Investment Seminar which has prompted us to hold another get together on the 14th November at The Eight Members Club, close to Bank Station

The event will start at 5pm and finish when the last person leaves as the club is also a great place to socialise and hang out after a hard day’s work. 

The cost is £30.00 but if you attended our previous seminar the cost will be just £15.00. As at our previous seminar 50% of the cost goes to our charity Hopes & Dreams.  This is a voluntary registered charity, whose aim is to turn the hopes and dreams of chronically, seriously or terminally ill children into reality.

The idea for this event is threefold:-


1.    For high net worth individuals to meet entrepreneurs looking for investment and to take advantage of very generous tax reliefs available via SEIS or EIS Schemes

2.    Entrepreneurs to meet potential investors and have the opportunity to showcase their business

3.    For investors and entrepreneurs to have access to solicitors and ourselves to answer any legal or tax related questions.

The event is very informal and we will be having an entrepreneur who has been there and done it to explain how he found investors and share his experience in the angel investment world.

We will also have a speaker who will explain what he looks for when reviewing a business that is looking for investors and showcase a few businesses that are looking for investors.

So, if you are either an entrepreneur or an investor or just curious about the whole angel investment world then you should come along for what should be an enjoyable evening.

To reserve a place for yourself plus any guests please email or telephone 020 8551 7200 to register.



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