Ethical Red Tape - Nonsensical bureaucracy or opportunity to profit from sustainability?

Responsible Solutions Ltd
Building One, 30 Loughborough Road
Leicestershire, LE12 7AT

Responsible Solutions Ltd

About Responsible Solutions Ltd

Responsible Solutions Ltd is an SME consultancy business specialising in sustainability and environmental management.

Join us for our latest free breakfast event which will consider whether legislation, regulation and standards (aka "red tape") are a time consuming waste of resource or an untapped, under developed, exciting opportunity for businesses to actually profit from being sustainable.

This two-hour breakfast seminar will explore whether the wide range of legislation and standards businesses face in the areas of environment and corporate social responsibility have potential to add value or simply create red tape.

We'll discuss how businesses can seek to utilise standards and legislation to increase productivity, business efficiency, reputation and, ultimately, profit. There'll be an opportunity to share experiences and stories of success as well as find practical solutions to the challenges we all face.

Please visit: to book your tickets for this event or email for further information.

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