Confidence Acceleration - Free Personal Development Day in Central London

Union Jack Club
Sandell St
London, SE1 8UJ

Union Jack Club

About The Confidence Experts

The Confidence Experts - working with businesses and individuals to make transformational changes in your work and home environments

A completely free event to banish those self-doubt demons forever and project unmistakable confidence

Saturday 18th February 2017 - Waterloo, London

Join The Confidence Experts Andy Coley and Jo Wilson to find out how increasing and accelerating your confidence can make a difference to your personal and professional life

What will I get from the day?

- An intensive day packed full of content and training from The Confidence Experts Andy & Jo who deliver 100% value

- Explore some of the beliefs that are holding you back (some of which you might not even realise you have)

- Sessions in which you’ll learn how you represent and are affected by the world around you, and why changing just one aspect of the way you view the world can make all the difference in your life

- How you can teach your inner voice to support and empower you rather than coming up with all the "Yeah But's"

- A Saturday with like-minded people, working on your own self-development

- Looking at your purpose going forward, who you need to be to support than and what will motivate you to achieve that

- An understanding of why people just don't seem to think the same as you and how to compensate for this

- Putting yourself in control and at cause, rather than being at effect of what's happening around you - focussing on what you'd like to have happen

- An understanding of your own motivation and how to ensure that you stay on track and stop hitting your head against the things you cannot change

- How to use increase and accelerate your inner confidence and self-esteem

- How to take control of your life rather than feeling like it controls you

- Certificate of attendance for your CPD records available

What won’t I get?

Some high pressured sales pitch, this is about giving pure content to our participants, yes we have other things you can find out about and some brilliant courses / retreats you could benefit from… but we’re not going to be bothering you about it all day. The only thing we’d really appreciate from you is a testimonial afterwards if you enjoyed the day!

Why are we offering this for free?

We are genuinely passionate about the work we do and having experienced firsthand just how powerful this can be, we now want to enable as many people as possible to enjoy the same benefits we do.

So if you are interested in learning more about accelerating your confidence and are looking to make a change in your personal or professional life, or want to learn how to help others do the same, then join us!

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