Stand Up Stand Out! Two Day Confidence Event

Holborn Bars
138-142 Holborn,
London, EC1N 2NQ

Holborn Bars

About The Confidence Experts

The Confidence Experts - working with businesses and individuals to make transformational changes in your work and home environments

Is now the time to stop your confidence holding you back, this special event with discounts for other Urbano members.

2 days of understanding & empowerment to gain the confidence & self-belief to stand up, put yourself forward, get noticed and get the results in your career, business or personal life that you deserve!

It can be really frustrating can’t it when you know that your lack of self-belief is stunting your personal, career or business growth? When you know that there is so much that you could be doing if you just had the confidence to take it forward? 

Or maybe you know that sinking feeling when you walk towards the edge of a big change that could be so exciting and fulfilling and then the scared voice in your head tells you to stop and stay where you are?

And perhaps it’s even worse when you know that you could be earning so much more if only you had the confidence to sell yourself or your products effectively?

We are Jo Wilson, Andy Coley and Janey Lee Grace and we want to invite you to this incredibly empowering 2 day event in London on the 20/21 February 2016 that will change this forever. At the end of the 2 days you will have more confidence and true self belief than you have ever had before.

No longer will you be:

  • Frustrated with your lack of progression or business growth and that people do not seem to be listening to you or seeing you.
  • Burying your ideas because you don’t have the level of self-belief your need to take them forward. 
  • Not getting the recognition you deserve because you do not have the confidence to stand out. 
  • Losing business or revenue because you do not have the confidence to negotiate effectively.
  • Underselling yourself due to that inner critic in your head whispering that maybe you are not worth that much.
  • Holding yourself back from making that life change because you lack the self belief to take the plunge.
  • Finding the word ‘No’ so difficult to say without feeling guilty.
  • Saying ‘Yes’ to keep the peace or because it seems the easiest option and then find yourself stressed, resentful or just plain tired.

This special two day confidence training event in London on the 14th/ 15th November will teach you how to banish those self-doubt demons forever and project that unmistakeable, incredibly attractive confidence that comes with a genuine belief in yourself and your work.

Jo and Andy are global quality confidence and communication experts and will teach you very specific, concrete NLP strategies to change your beliefs, see new solutions, feel and sound self-assured, and build unshakeable bedrock of confidence for the rest of your life. You will also learn how to project an inner strength in your communication and negotiation to get the results you want.

Janey Lee Grace, Radio Two presenter, PR and media expert and natural health ambassador will share with you how to get clear and aligned on what you stand for, your personal ‘brand’, and how to put your strengths into your own strap-line so you are able to confidently portray your message.

In a unique combination of Andy and Jo's global quality NLP training and Janey’s results focussed PR and Media expertise, these 2 days are about empowering you, as the individual you are, to succeed and run your life and business on your terms.

What’s this really worth to you?

Are you willing to spend two days learning to build a lifetime of confidence?
We are so passionate about helping you kick that self-doubt forever that all we’re asking in exchange is two days of your time and the price of a good lunch!

We only have a few tickets left, use the code LETMEIN when redirected to EventBrite to save £140 off the standard ticket prices.

So why are we all giving our time and expertise for such an astoundingly low price? Because we are so passionate about enabling you to get rid of that self doubting devil in your head and get the results and recognition you deserve!

And remember this is an event where you will be able to meet like minded people and concentrate on you and your future in a safe, beautiful and empowering environment.

Can’t wait to see you there!

Andy, Jo & Janey

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