How companies grow? Why they age and die? What can you do about it?

Chandose House
2 Queen Anne Street
London, W1G 9LQ

Chandose House

About The Leaders Circle Ltd.

'Next gen' peer groups for leaders who take business growth personally, Leaders Circle is a Collaborative Partner of Urbano Networks.

United Kingdom - Singapore – Caribbean


Rapidly realign your business and predict future problems today

Interactive Seminar for CEOs/Owner-MDs and Management Teams


From: John Grisby, Principal, DNA Performance Ltd. UK.

Times: 9am to 5pm  

Where: Chandose House ,2 Queen Anne Street, London W1G 9LQ

Day 3: Thursday, Oct 1st (Limited to 40 Charity-Non-for-Profit MDs-CEOs)  


Every living organism or system has a ‘Life-cycle’. Corporations and organisations are no different. Each organism or system exhibits predictable and repetitive patterns. Each stage of the Life-cycle presents every organisation with a new set of unique challenges. 

How well or how poorly these issues are addressed, as the organisation progresses through the Life-cycle, determines success or failure.

What is the difference between organisms or systems and organisations? 

“Companies and organisations do not have to age”

This interactive seminar is for CEOsMDs and Management Teams  from Charity and Nonprofit organisations who are experiencing some or many of the following:

  • A lack of focus
  • Growth but no margin
  • Inability to deliver a quality product or service
  • Consistent failure to implement decisions made
  • Management team conflict
  • Organisational stasis

As a CEO/MD are you experiencing;

  • Problems reacting to an accelerated rate of change
  • Opportunities that become problems
  • Conflicts between stakeholders

What will you learn and what will be the outcomes of this seminar:

As an individual CEO/MD:

  • Where your organisation sits on the corporate Lifecycle and why your future issues are predictable today
  • Why the “Perfect Manager” does not exist and why you cannot hope to be one
  • What are the management and mismanagement styles of your team? How do you build a complementary team?
  • How do you assure/guarantee the effective implementation of your decisions
  • Use the decision-making process to ensure constant innovation and transformation within your organisation

As a Non-Profit Organisation:

  • Why do you continue to have issues of membership churn
  • How can you customise your offerings when your model is based on a “Packaged Set of Services”
  • How can you develop a mental attitude of “Constant Transformation” within your management team?
  • What does it take to build a complementary team?

Pricing (Early Brid Discount: 20% Before August 31st)

£475 + VAT includes;

1. Small breakfast, lunch and refreshments

2. Company Lifecycle Diagnosis

3. Point of Improvement plan for your business

4. Action plan and organising next steps back in your company

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