Tibits Bankside Restaurant Launch Evening - Wednesday June 28th

Tibits Bankside
124 Southwark Street
London, SE1 0SW

Tibits Bankside

About tibits Bankside

tibits Bankside is the second London restaurant for in-the-know vegans, vegetarians and flexitarians.

Tibits, the vegetarian restaurant group, opened its first London venue in Heddon Street (off Regent Street) in 2008, where we have happily hosted several successful Urbano networking lunches since 2012.

Now, Tibits owners, the three Frei brothers (Daniel, Christian and Reto) and Rolf Hitl invite Urbano Members and Associates to help them celebrate the opening of their second London restaurant, Tibits Bankside, on Wednesday June 28th, and join us for a summer soiree of music, cocktails, wine and fabulous plant-based food!

If you and a colleague would like to join us and Mark (Urbano's CEO), then please email me, Kate Grasby, with your details and mention Urbano in your email.

Kate Grasby: kate.grasby@tibits.co.uk

We would especially like to extend a welcome to our Bankside, Borough & Southwark neighbours, so if you know companies or people who love good food and live or work nearby please forward this email to them!

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