Venus & Mars Pre-Valentines party, 7th Feb

62 Seymour St
London, W1H 5BN


About Vida Consultancy

Vida Consultancy is an exclusive matchmaking and introduction agency in London. Our aim is to successfully find you a romantic partner.

Having consulted the Rendezvous astrologer I am privy to the cheeky fact that February 7th is the day when Venus and Mars will be locked in their tightest embrace in the amorous sign of Pieces. So, that’s the day we are holding our star-crossed pre-Valentine Venus and Mars Party. The venue is a fabulous room in Bernardi's in Marylebone that we will have all to our lovely selves.

Private Room – The Doghouse. 7pm to 10pm

Rendezvous is the partner events company to Vida8 and hosts the friendliest events in stunning locations for single professionals in their 40s and 50s. Everyone brings a friend of the opposite sex so that we keep numbers even. But if you don’t have a friend to bring we also have single tickets priced at £50, just email us and Urbano guests get priority booking.

Tickets are sold in pairs male/female £80 for two or £50 for singles. 

Password: Valentine

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