Perfume Networking, Networking with a Twist!

Weiss Gallery
59 Jermyn Street
London, SW1Y 6LX

Weiss Gallery

About Westminster Business Council

Westminster Business Council (WBC) is a business member organisation that aims to help businesses in Westminster grow.


Westminster Business Council invites you to a networking evening with a twist!  

What:                   Perfume Networking

Where:                Weiss Gallery, Jermyn Street,

When:                  Wednesday 24 October, 18:30-21:00

How Much?          Free for WBC Members, £15 for non members

To Book:    

Contact:              Sophie @

Discover how scents can enhance your business!

Using perfumes and aftershaves to freshen ourselves up and make us smell good is part of the everyday grooming process we go through in the morning, but perfumes can be used for much more.

Perfume is a powerful language that can bring value to individuals and organisations. In several fields, from design to marketing, perfume is an enabler of communication, and innovation.

In this dynamic, interactive workshop led by Nicola Pozzani from S Sense, you will:

  • Enjoy a unique creative journey with the experience of perfume 
  • Discover of how scents can bring value to your life and projects
  • Meet other professionals in an exclusive environment
  • Enjoy a private tour of the beautiful Weiss art gallery which is home to one of Europe’s finest collections of original Tudor art
  • Evening drinks served

18:30:                Guests arrive, evening drinks served, private tour of the gallery

19:00 - 20:30:    Guest introductions, guided perfume session

20:30 - 21:00:    Networking, evening drinks served

21:00:                End of session  

For more information, please contact Sophie at


Nicola Pozzani is the founder of S Sense, The Senses Of Perfume. Lecturer on scents for Kingston University London and the British Society of Perfumers, he received perfume training by perfumer Jean Claude Ellena, in-house perfumer of Hermès. Nicola has been designing sensory training projects on scents for companies, perfume/beauty brands and charitable foundations.


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