WBC First World War Centenary Trip to Ypres, Belgium

Western Front battlefields
Ypres, Belgium
Ypres, 8900

Western Front battlefields

About Westminster Business Council

Westminster Business Council (WBC) is a business member organisation that aims to help businesses in Westminster grow.

This year marks 100 years since the beginning of the First World War, a war that claimed the lives of nearly a million men from Britain and her Empire.  

WBC will be making a day trip to the battlefields of the Somme, France, to pay our respects to all those who never came home, and to those whose lives were changed forever. 


06:00                        Coach departs Victoria Street, London for Dover 

09:25                        Ferry departs for Calais

                                Private breakfast dining for the group, 2 course breakfast (not                                 included in the ticket) 

12:00 (local time)       Arrive at Calais and head to the battlefields

Stopping points may include:   

  • Tyn Cot Cemetary, Passchendaele 
  • Hill 60, Messines Ridge Mine Craters 
  • Ypres Town Centre

We will return to London at between 10:30/11:00 p.m 

Your ticket will include all travel, including an executive coach and return ferry travel as well as the services of an expert First World War guide.  You will also be invited to share any family history that can be explored on the trip if we are in the right vicinity. 

Your ticket will not include any meals. 

Please be aware that you will need to arrange your own transport to and from the coach pick up / drop off point. 

You must have a valid passport to travel. 

Final day to purchase tickets is Friday 28 March

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesistate to contact Sophie, s.shrubsole@westminsterbc.org.uk 

View event site
