Employment Law Training - Mock Tribunal

Minerva House
5 Montague Close
London, SE1 9BB

Minerva House

About Winckworth Sherwood

Winckworth Sherwood LLP. Solicitors and Parliamentary Agents

Thursday 15th October 2015 | Registration and coffee

9.00am | Start 09.30am | Finish 4.30pm

The all day session is a fantastic insight into the Employment Tribunal and how to tackle a claim.

It will cover the charge and disciplinary process, preparation for an appeal, and the tribunal itself. The session will have a practical hands-on approach involving role plays and document reviews.  

This event is relevant not only to HR Managers and Directors, but to anyone dealing with disciplinary issues, and aims to provide you with the information you need to avoid a tribunal. 

There is no charge to attend this session. To register your place please
contact us on hvaines@wslaw.co.uk . 

View event site
