Urbano Membership Renewal 2025

You have arrived on this page because your company's Urbano membership has fallen due for renewal.

I never take any membership or renewal for granted, but I hope you will continue to be a part of the Urbano community for the year ahead. At this stage I just need an email back confirming renewal and we can do the rest (see status and fees below).

I very much personally value everyone’s support in running the community. I like to think Urbano offers any business – especially those that run and create them - the kind of conversations, connections, information and support not easily found elsewhere.

Our mix of member companies, for the most part SMEs, and the diversity of their services, plus our own experience running Talent Lab and working with a mix of PLCs and SMEs, helps us deliver a business community that is an active valuable resource for our members. Being a catalyst to a rich mix of connections between a diverse range of companies remains and will remain at the heart of what we try to encourage and facilitate at Urbano.

Our 2025 calendar (with other events yet to be announced) are as follows.

Wednesday January 23rd –
Urbano Top Table, Oliveira Kitchen, Shoreditch *

Wednesday February 26th –
Urbano Build Pre MIPIM Top Table, Café Du Marche, Clerkenwell *

(Also online MIPIM group for travellers to Cannes)

Thursday March 6th -
Speaker panel breakfast on the new Procurement Act and opportunities for SMEs, with Peabody & Trowers & Hamlins

Wednesday March 26th –
Women In Business lunch, Princess of Shoreditch **

Thursday April 10th -
Urbano speaker networking breakfast event

Thursday April 20th –
Urbano networking lunch (venue tbc)

Wednesday May 14th   - U
rbano Members networking reception, House of Lords *

Tuesday May 22nd -
Urbano networking breakfast at REiiF, Leeds (venue TBC)

Wednesday May 22nd -
Urbano networking evening (6 – 8pm) at REiiF, Leeds (venue TBC)

Thursday June 22nd
Urbano Midsummer Top Table lunch (venue TBC)

* These are Top Table events for company founders, owners and directors

** This event is for those women who work for Urbano member companies

In 2025, I want to help members by working together on events that utilise the reach of Urbano’s database to engage business audiences on subjects that showcase their expertise. Single subject event mailers such as for our Alex Partridge speaker breakfast last week achieve exceptional openings (47,400 unique openings), with others generating our more usual 15-25% openings (10,000+).

If you would like to discuss with me how your marketing team can make the most of Urbano’s unique database and event management experience, please let me know.

The calendar of confirmed Urbano and member events can be viewed here: Events @ Urbano

We continue to press for SMEs to be given a fairer chance at winning public sector work, including as part of project supply chains. I am hosting a speaker panel event as the new Procurement Act goes live in February.

We also have a new Capability Statement on our expertise and experience in this area: https://www.talentlab.co.uk/projects/tendering/the-new-procurement-act-and-smes-turn-words-into-actions/

The latest list of live tenders and frameworks be found here: Tenders @ Urbano

Urbano - The Sustainable Business Network

We call Urbano ‘The Sustainable Business Network’, not just because we have hosted speaker events on ‘sustainability’ stretching back to 2004 and challenged companies and individuals to make active changes on this front, but also because of our experience of bringing together those that create and run companies to help them adapt to the ever-changing challenges of running a successful enterprise. 

We continue to develop this commitment, inviting event speakers to share with us their knowledge on ESG and their own company journeys on the pathway to net zero carbon. Membership and sponsorship of Urbano can also be used to demonstrate elements measured under social value for use on bids.

Urbano Membership Fees

Urbano has a membership option to suit every business, regardless of status, size and budget. Fees quoted are ex VAT.


  • Micro Membership (1-5 employees): £29.95 per month
  • Company Membership (6-249 employees): £39.95 per month 
  • Corporate Membership (250+ employees): £49.95 per month

Micro: For companies with five or fewer employees, including business owner and directors. Excludes tenders.

Company: Our most popular membership. For any size of company and includes our tenders service.

Corporate: Same as Company, but includes promoting your own events on our mailers which reach 55,000+ subscribers. Law firms must take this option.

You can choose whether to switch to an annual or monthly scheme, paid by DD, or pay by BACs on receipt of invoice. Details of options, including relevant services for each level of membership, available here: Urbano Membership

Our supporters and members pay for Urbano to exist and together we fund services we offer to the community. Often, the value of membership can be measured by one conversation and connection which Urbano creates during the year.

I look forward to hearing back from you regarding your renewal which can be actioned with an email back to me stating your preferred status and payment schedule.



Connector-In-Chief, Urbano


Urbano Communities

  • Urbano Business

    Urbano is a connected business community, dedicated to helping our member companies build sustainable futures.

  • Urbano Build

    Networking community for those in architecture, construction, design, engineering, property, proptech, etc

  • Urbano Create

    A networking community for those in branding, marketing, communications, digital, TV, film, and related media and creative sectors.

  • Urbano Finance

    For companies offering investment and other professional advisory services to help companies develop.

  • Urbano Tech

    For those who offer services and solutions across the tech, telecoms, digital, networking, software & IT sectors

  • Urbano Work

    Companies shaping the future of work and the workplace, from office design to leadership development, employee training, and ED&I.

  • Urbano UWACTE

    Urbano Women in Architecture, Construction, Technology & Engineering

  • Urbano Videos

    View our library of event videos of previous speaker and panel events here. Email the office for password.
